Friday, August 23, 2013

Dear Dad - M.T.C.

Things here at the M.T.C. are getting really hard. However, things are going really well for me personally. Your advice to love my companion no matter what is coming in handy and that coin that auntie Teuila gave me before I left is a constant reminder of that advice too. You would be proud of me - my patience is growing stronger every day.

In our last pep talk before I left you mentioned that you felt like you had disappointed me. Dad, you've always been an example to me. You and mom have never disappointed me in any way. You've taught me many lessons, both good and bad but I have never been disappointed in you ever. You've done everything you can to prepare me for these next two years.

Please reassure mom that I'm doing great and that I'm growing here more than you can ever imagine. I'm sure you can relate to the growth that one can experience in the M.T.C.

Love you dad
Elder Matua

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