Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Really busy week but I'll just share a couple things!

We finally had Harvest Day. At the last MLC I was at president announced that we are going to have a harvest day. That meant that we will set aside our whole day for trying to give out as many copies of the Book of Mormon as we could. It started Friday morning with us all getting on a live stream with president and him leading us in a prayer. We had also all been fasting coming into that day. We spent from 9 am to 7 pm on our feet, handing out as many as we could. Elder Crabtree and I set a goal of handing out 23 copies. We gathered all the goals from each district and the total goal as a mission was 1,002 copies. At the end of the day president told us he had to repent because he told the AP's "no no that's good. We will set a really high goal so we can hit anywhere underneath it and feel good". The reason he said he had to repent was because we handed out 1,082 COPIES!!! It was so crazy! It was such a cool experience. And you bet Elder Crabtree and I hit our goal. Prayer and fasting works! we talked to so many cool people and we had so many cool experiences. I couldn't feel my feet by the end of the day but I have never felt the Spirit stronger so it was worth it. One of the best days on my mission.

There was a guy I talked to on harvest day and it was a pretty interesting experience. He had walked by and I told him that I liked his coat because it had an American flag on it and I told him that I am actually from America and that spun into a short conversation. He started asking why I was here and I told him and before I could say more he asked if we had time to meet the next day. I said of course and we set a time and place right there. Fast forward to the next day, and here we are meeting him at the mall. He wanted to sit down and talk over some juice so we went to the top floor of this mall where there is a restaurant. I forgot to mention that when I talked to him on the street he said he was very busy and that's why he wanted to meet and talk more. The funny thing is we didn't really get to talk about anything religious because the conversation was so fast. So going into this meeting we had no idea what we were going to talk about and we had no idea why he was so interested in meeting with us because that never happens.

Anyway, we show up to this restaurant and as we are walking up we see this guy and a younger girl about our age with him and they wave to us. The guy we were with, Ihor, says 'oh there's my friends.' I looked at Elder Crabtree and he looked at me and we read each other's thoughts and we both assumed we were walking into the biggest bash session of our missions. We didn't know what we were going to do but we walked up anyway and they shook our hands and the one guy kept saying oh this is my beautiful daughter Flower. Isn't she so beautiful? Neither of us knew what was even going on. It was sooooo weird!!! Then Ihor says why don't you tell us why you are here and what you are doing and then we will tell you why we wanted to meet. This story has gone on long enough already but there are so many details that would take me to long to explain but it was just a business meeting and they wanted us to join their business because we are "rich Americans". Their business was a little fishy anyways.

Hope all is well. Prayers go out to all in Asia!

Elder Kenyon Matua

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