Monday, January 14, 2019

Merry Christmas ... Again!

Happy New Years!

Super uneventful week but still was super good. We didn't do anything fun for New Years because we weren't allowed to go outside but we did get some cleaning done in the apartment, which was fun....I guess. We are also having a magic night for English club this week so Elder Stott and I have been practicing a ton of magic tricks. And they actually celebrate Christmas here on the 7th of January so today is our second Christmas, So merry Christmas again!!! 

We went to a sushi/pizza place for lunch this week because I wanted to force myself to like sushi but still can't yet. But anyway, while we were there, we saw these 3 boys walk in. Elder Stott and I both looked at each other like "oh great". You know? Like when you see a couple teenagers walk in a restaurant laughing and whatever and then sit right next to you. We were sitting there and we heard one of say something about America in Ukrainian. Elder Stott made a face like trying to get their attention so they would laugh, and they did look and the kid said "Don't worry its not about you guys". It was suer funny and we ended talking to them and they were super cool! So it was kinda humbling after thinking that as soon as they walked in. But they were our age and were actually missionaries for their church, a Pentecostal church. They were fun to talk to and we invited them to english so hopefully they come.

We were walking out of church today and as i opened the door it hit something on the other side. I opened it and looked on the other side and there was a guy passed out behind it. There is a door to our church and the a little entry way and then another door and that's where he was. He was super drunk and we had to go get the other guys in our branch to come take care of him. It was an interesting experience. Welcome to Ukraine.

Finishing with Elder Stott's favorite verse he shared with me which is an amazing verse that I am sad I haven't paid more attention to and it's Jacob 5:41. "And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard wept, and said unto the servant: What could I have done more for my vineyard?" I'll let you interpret that yourselves but it's an amazing verse.

Love you all and have a good week!
-Elder Matua

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