Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Super good week

Out contacting - burrrr!
Another interesting, but awesome week in Rivne.

It started out with a pretty funny story. Elder McGrath were contacting on our way to the church. We got there but then decided we wanted to get something from the little express market right behind the church. We started walking and saw this guy walking towards us. You could tell he was a little tipsy. He started walking straight up to Elder McGrath and he said," Hey gimme five boxen" in English. I was confused but immediately after he said that Elder McGrath responded in Ukrainian and said we don't speak English. The guy like chuckled and was like "Oh ya, he he he, I know you". Then we said in English "nah just kidding we speak English but we dont' have any money. That's when I realized he was trying to say 'bucks' instead of 'boxen' bahahaha. Then walking away he said, " Gimme five boxen and maybe, maybe, maybe, you'll live". We were both like.... what? It was super funny. And Elder McGrath said he is a local crazy and always asks missionaries for money.

We had our weekly game night that same day. It was super fun. We had an office Olympics because we were talking about the office one day and we talked about that episode where they have an Olympics. It was so funny. And super fun. Not a very big turn out but we made it fun.

We taught a new investigator named Stos. He is 18 and super cool. He seemed pretty interested and said he wanted to meet again.....but now he won't answer our calls.

Watching GC with the fellas
We had a lesson with Vika. She is so awesome. She came with a list of questions for us. She still reads the Book of Mormon every night and writes down questions when she reads. She even fasted yesterday!!! A FULLL 24 HOURS!! How awesome is that??! We had a lesson about the Word of Wisdom which we knew might be difficult because most people here struggle with it. But when we started talking about it she totally agreed. She said growing up an athlete she always knew she should take care of here body. Please tell me I'm not the only one that feels like shes been so prepared for us by our Heavenly Father. The only thing that we were scared of was that she said she drinks a cup of coffee every morning. But as soon as we said that we can't drink it, she said OK, and that she will try not to drink it anymore. And that she will fast about it too. Like WHAT THE? She ain't even a member and she is fasting for so much!! She is just so awesome. And she will be coming to watch conference next week.

Only got to catch the first half of the Saturday morning session of conference. It started about 7 pm our time, and we had to run to a restaurant to watch Sister Timochko sing! So we saw the announcements and the first 2 talks. So awesome. I cannot wait to watch the rest of conference. But going to the restaurant was so fun!! Sister Timochko is an incredible singer. She sings in English too! She can't really speak English but because she sings, here accent sounds super american. She is one of our favorite members.

Supporting Sister Timochko
That's pretty much it for the week. I just waned to share what I've been studying. I have been reading a lot about Ammon and the Anti-Nephi-Lehis. They are amazing. Just really briefly, Ammon is one of the most amazing missionaries. And it's so awesome to see how dedicated these people really are to the Lord. Made me think a lot about what I can be doing better and what I could've done better before coming on a mission. So I encourage all of you to remain dedicated in the Lord and have true faith in him.

Thank you for the love and support.

з Любов'ю,
Старійшина Матуа

Working with Elder Wonson
Super bootleg Ticket to Ride in Ukranian
We made chicken fajitas
More General Conference
Sister Timochko is rockin da house

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