Friday, September 7, 2018

Week 7 - MTC

Been waiting for this dude - Elder Stosich!
Can't Believe Its September!! What's even worse to think is I've been here since July... I can't wait to get out into the field. We are all at that point where we are all so ready to leave but not ready to go. If that makes any sense. We just all wanna get outta here but we are all scared to go to the field because then it's real.

Another part of being here for so long is we really do the same thing everyday. I mentioned this in my last email but it really is true. Our lives are on repeat. One of the most exciting things was probably that we got chick-fil-a for dinner Monday night. And also super jealous of Elder Chappell and Elder Black (both elders going to Estonia). They are in New York right now picking up their visas.....THEY FLEW TO NEW YORK and they come back tonight!! And they get to go on splits with the missionaries in New York!!! Ah so jealous.

We had a really good Sunday this past week. Every Sunday after the devotionals, they show films in a bunch of different rooms around the MTC. This week our district went and watched a talk given by Elder Holland to the MTC a few years ago called "Open Your Mouth". He talked about so much and it was so hard to take notes cuz he just kept going and it seemed like he didn't take a breath. One
We're bored - so we drew on the board
thing he talked about that stuck with me, was he shared that one of the greatest 'open your mouth' passages, that most people don't think about often, is The First Vision. As Joseph was started to pray, he made an account that an evil spirit had come over him and HIS TONGUE WAS BOUND. Elder Holland went on saying Satan can't kill you. It's impossible for him to kill anyone. He also said that if Satan could kill anyone, Joseph would've been the first person he targeted. But because he couldn't kill Joseph the next thing closest to it was binding his tongue. "Just short of taking a life". And that's how important it is for us to Open our Mouths. It is the best tool we have out here besides the Spirit. Which was what last nights Devotional was on. Elder Kyle S. Mckay spoke to us. It was an amazing devotional also. He talked a lot about how we need to teach with the spirit always. There is too much I could share from his talk but one thing that stuck out to me was he said "We need to stop saying 'how can I better teach with the spirit' and start saying 'how can I better invite the spirit to teach with me'". A little confusing at first but it makes total sense. We need to start inviting the spirit to be present with us while we teach. Let him observe and fill our mouths while we teach.

Sorry not very much to talk about other than devotionals because thats all week look forward to because it's one of the only things thats different every week. And we look forward to choir. Everyone loves choir.

Love you all and thank you for the support and the emails. It is so nice hearing from all of you! Please continue to do so and share you experiences with me.

My recreation clothes!

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