Sunday, January 17, 2016

Harvesting, McGyver and contacting

Our happy zone

That word has never stuck out in my mind so much as it has recently. With some changes world wide, "HARVEST" continues to be the responsibility and blessing of being a missionary, but in an even more emphasized manner. I love it.

We had zone meeting this past Tuesday and it was focused on "Teaching Repentance and Baptizing Convert". We are helping people that don't know who God is have an experience with the divine. Through helping them change their lives and truly repent of their sins, they have the that burning desire to "sing the song of redeeming love" that has been brought to us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. It leads them to lasting conversion, beginning with: BAPTISM. They have trained us to have quick and powerful lessons on the street. When I say quick, most contacts last for about 5-10 minutes. They are powerful and full of the spirit. Our entire mission has been seeing miracle after miracle. This direction from the brethren is indeed helping us find those that are prepared. We're HARVESTING!

Elder Qiu and I had a pretty good week. The majority of our time was spent on the streets, but it was fun.

My mind is pretty scattered right now (as always). I'm sure I'll have more cool stories to share next week. I'll also probably forget them by then, but I know you guys will forgive me!

Consider this: Alma 5:26
if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?

We had about 3 hours total of sit down lessons for the entire week, the rest was out side on the streets. we met a lot of really awesome people.

The spirit did something pretty cool for me this week. One Wednesday night English class back in my days in Long Tan I met a guy named Mcgyver. One night, that's all. I never saw him again. I thought he was pretty cool, and that he might come back another time. Time passed until saturday. Elder Qiu and I were contacting down a busy street, when a group of about six people walked past. I noticed a man in the back wearing sunglasses, and before I could even think, I heard myself say "Mcgyver"! He stopped, took his sunglasses off and said, "who are you?" we continued to talk and we made the connection. He was pretty amazed at what happened. I was too. He told me how his life was going and the struggles he was facing. I asked him if he ever actually sat down with the missionaries and learned about God. He said that he did over 20 years ago. I bore my testimony of Heavenly Father and the relationship we have with him. I encouraged him to meet with the missionaries again  in Longtan, and he said he would. It was a pretty cool experience and a testimony builder that God will work through us in special ways.

Love you all,
Elder Chase Matua

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