This week was exhausting!
We went to Kyiv on Monday to do Exchanges with the AP's and I woke up super sick and ended up sitting inside all day and sleeping. It was not fun and I missed out on doing a last exchange with Elder Jack before he goes home tomorrow!
We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with the senior couple, the Leifers. They fed us really, really well and made us feel right at home. That night we also took a bus out to Lutsk to have exchanges with the elders there.
I got to spend the day in Lutsk with my buddy from Tennessee, Elder Crabtree. He is such an awesome missionary and we had a really good time together talking to people and visiting less-active members from their branch.
We started teaching a young guy named Andryi who was asking questions about English that I could not answer to save my life. Luckily when we started talking about the gospel we had a lot more answers for him. He shows pretty genuine interest so we are excited!
I've been reading talks from this past conference and something Sister Michelle Craig said really stood out to me. She said that in first Nephi 3:7 it says that the Lord will provide "a way" not "the way". It is hard sometimes because I find myself praying and asking for God to guide me, and then, without thinking, I immedietly imagine what the answer is gonna be. I falsely set an expectation for the answer I am going to receive. I know we have heard it a billion times but we have to understand He will provide "a way" and it will ALWAYS be "HIS way". We cannot, as SIster Michelle Craig says, "miss or dismiss personal errands from the Lord", because we are stuck on "our way" or "my way". He will provide a way and it will always be the right way. Find time this week to discover what "His way" for you is.
Love you all!
Elder Kenyon Matua
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